Chronicle of a Night Beyond the Veil


This short story follows Helen, who during meditation, enters a mystical realm where she encounters a radiant crystal structure and six ethereal figures. She experiences overwhelming love and connection to her soul’s true nature.

Last night, as the clock struck midnight, Helen gently closed her eyes. The stillness of the night cocooned her like a warm blanket, the quiet padding of her cat the only reminder she wasn’t truly alone.

But tonight, something felt different. She had decided to try a new meditation technique—one she’d stumbled upon in a dusty, forgotten book at the town’s old library. The book, ancient and weathered, claimed this method, practiced by long-lost yogis, could unlock the hidden depths of the subconscious.

She took a slow, steady breath, letting herself sink deeper into the silence. Minutes passed, or maybe hours—it was hard to tell. Yet when her meditation ended, she felt… unchanged. She opened her eyes to the familiar darkness of her bedroom. No revelation. No shift in her soul. Just the low hum of night.

Normally, sleep came easily after her evening routine. Tonight, though, her mind buzzed with strange energy, as if resting but fully awake. A question whispered in the back of her mind: How can I be sleeping and still think? The thought circled her, lingering, pulling her deeper.

And then, in a breath, everything changed.

Suddenly, she was no longer in her room. She stood in a vast, endless space—a void, black as ink, pressing in on all sides. There was no sound, no sight, only the weight of emptiness around her.

She felt a flicker of unease. Am I dreaming? She reached out instinctively, trying to find something solid, but her hands met only more void. Her pulse quickened. Yet before the fear could take root, the darkness began to shift.

It melted away like fog under sunlight, revealing a breathtaking sight.

Before her rose a towering crystal structure, shimmering with light that seemed to come from within. Its walls sparkled, intricate patterns shifting across their surface as if designed by ancient, unseen hands.

The sight stirred something deep within her. Recognition? No… more than that. It was a memory. She had been here before—perhaps in a dream long forgotten, or in another time altogether. Her heart skipped in her chest, a strange mix of awe and anticipation rushing through her veins.

Drawn by an invisible force, Helen moved toward the building, her breath shallow, her steps quickening as though she had waited her entire life for this moment.

Inside, she was enveloped in an overwhelming sensation—an ocean of pure, unconditional love, radiating from every direction. It was as if the very air hummed with it. Helen’s heart swelled, and for a moment, she could barely breathe.

The intensity of the feeling was almost too much, yet it wasn’t suffocating. It was perfect. She took a deep, shuddering breath as the sensation washed over her like a tide. Every cell in her body felt alive, pulsing with warmth, joy, and a peace that felt eternal.

And then she saw them. Six figures, waiting for her, their forms cloaked in soft, ethereal light. They were the source of the love she felt. Helen instinctively knew this, even before she understood who they were. Three were partially obscured in mist, barely visible yet unmistakably present.

But the second elder from the right stood out—her light soft, glowing with a pale, golden hue. A woman. Her eyes met Helen’s, and in that gaze was a tenderness so profound, Helen felt her heart begin to ache with it.

Tears prickled at her eyes. It wasn’t sadness—it was the recognition of something longed for, something missed without ever knowing it was gone.

Beside her, she sensed another presence—someone unseen but deeply familiar, as if they’d been there with her through every step of her life. She felt their protection, their quiet love, standing beside her, watching over her. In that moment, Helen realized where she was. This sacred place, this gathering of ancient, wise souls—this was her Council of Elders. She had heard of such things in whispers from books and meditation circles, but now, here she was, standing before them.

A voice echoed through the space. One of the elders spoke, though their lips did not move. The words were not of any language Helen had ever known, yet they resonated deep within her.

Her soul knew these words. It was as if the very sound of them called her back to herself—to her true self. The name they called her was not Helen, but something older, something eternal. She understood, without understanding how, that this was the name her soul had carried across lifetimes.

The elder’s voice wrapped around her like a song, and Helen’s heart opened to the truth: she was not alone. She had never been alone. The love she had always longed for had been with her, surrounding her, supporting her, through every step, every moment of her life. Tears spilled down her cheeks now, not from sadness, but from the pure, overwhelming beauty of that realization.

A warmth began to grow in the distance—a soft, golden light that touched her face. Slowly, Helen became aware of the familiar feeling of her bed beneath her, the gentle morning sunlight filtering through her window. She blinked her eyes open, returning to the waking world.

But something was different.

The love, the compassion, the connection to those ancient souls—it lingered within her, glowing like an ember deep in her heart. She smiled softly to herself, knowing that no matter where she went or what she faced, she would always be watched over, always loved, always protected.

With a deep sense of peace, Helen rose from her bed, the memory of the night’s journey burning bright within her. She carried it with her, like a secret, a treasure, knowing that her soul was never truly alone.

The end.

Listen to this Audio Bedtime Story

Also Read: The Library of Dreams or Skylight Dreams

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