The Toothbrush Hero of Coral Cove


This story develops in Coral Cove, where Sharky, the tooth-brushing shark hero, battles the Plaque Monster to restore bright smiles to the fish with his trusty brush, Bubbles.


In the vibrant underwater city of Coral Cove, the fish bustled about their daily lives. Schools of bright, shimmering fish darted between coral spires, and sea turtles glided gracefully past waving seaweed forests.

At the heart of this lively city, a hero watched over them all: Sharky, the tooth-brushing shark superhero. His smooth grey skin reflected the colors of the reef, and strapped to his side was his trusty companion—Bubbles, a toothbrush with a vibrant blue handle and bristles strong enough to polish even the toughest shark teeth.

Every day, Sharky patrolled the colorful reefs, ensuring that every fish, big or small, had a shining smile. His super-powered toothpaste was legendary for its cleaning power, and his motto echoed throughout Coral Cove: “A clean smile is a happy smile!”

But trouble was brewing beneath the calm waves. Far in the murky depths, the mischievous Plaque Monster, a blob of sticky, grimy goo, began plotting. Disguising itself as harmless seaweed, it slithered into Coral Cove, spreading its gunky tendrils through the water. Unwary fish that swam too close found themselves coated in thick, sticky grime, and their bright smiles began to disappear beneath layers of plaque.

First, the clownfish lost their vibrant colors. Then, the angelfish found their scales dull and their teeth sticky. Soon, the whole reef was buzzing with worry as the Plaque Monster’s grip tightened. Fish began hiding behind rocks, ashamed of their dull, dirty appearances.

It wasn’t long before Sharky got wind of the problem. With a determined flick of his fin, he dove from his lookout perch and sliced through the water toward the affected area. Bubbles was at the ready, its bristles glowing with anticipation.

When Sharky arrived, he gasped at the sight before him: entire schools of fish covered in the gooey grime, their smiles vanished. Floating in the center of the chaos was the Plaque Monster, cackling as it sent tendrils of sticky plaque toward more fish.

But Sharky was not intimidated.

With a swift flick of his fin, he grabbed his super-powered toothpaste and squeezed a hefty glob onto Bubbles. “Time to clean up this mess!” he declared, his voice echoing through the water.

The Plaque Monster sneered, sending a wave of sticky goo towards Sharky. But with a powerful swipe, Sharky dodged the attack and dove straight toward the beast, Bubbles ready for action. He scrubbed and swirled in swift, expert motions, his toothpaste leaving trails of sparkling foam as it dissolved the monster’s goo.

The Plaque Monster screeched in protest, but Sharky was too quick. With each pass, Sharky and Bubbles blasted more grime off the fish and peeled away the Plaque Monster’s hold on the city. Soon, the water around them was a swirl of sparkling bubbles and foamy toothpaste, and the grimy creature began shrinking.

“Plaque doesn’t stand a chance against a good scrub!” Sharky shouted, giving one last, mighty swipe. The Plaque Monster let out a final squeal before vanishing in a puff of soap bubbles, never to be seen again.

The water cleared, and the fish blinked in amazement. Their scales gleamed once more, their teeth sparkled, and their smiles were brighter than ever.

A cheer rose up from the fish. “Sharky! Sharky! Sharky!” they chanted, circling their hero. Even the shyest sea creatures, like the pufferfish and eels, joined in, grinning proudly with their freshly cleaned teeth.

As the excitement settled and the ocean’s current grew calm again, Sharky floated above the reef, surveying his now-clean home. The sun began to set, casting golden beams through the water, illuminating the reef in a warm glow.

Sharky turned to the crowd of fish, flashing his own sharp, white grin. “Remember, friends,” he said, “a clean smile is a happy smile! Brush every day, and the Plaque Monster won’t stand a chance!”

With that, Sharky and Bubbles swam off into the twilight, ready for whatever grime-filled threat lurked in the depths. But for now, Coral Cove could rest easy, knowing their tooth-brushing superhero would always be there to keep their smiles sparkling.

Also Read: Fussy Goes to the Dentist

Follow Up Questions

Why is Sharky the Shark considered a hero in Coral Cove?
What does the Plaque Monster do to the fish in the city?
How does Sharky defeat the Plaque Monster and help the fish smile again?

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