The Cock and The Fox


Discover the intrigue in ‘The Cock and The Fox moral story’. Aesop crafts a tale where wit outshines deceit. As the narrative unfolds, every word echoes lessons that are still relevant. Dive in and witness the dance of intellect and cunning.

On a sunny hillside, a proud cock stood perched on a high rock, his vibrant feathers shimmering in the sun’s rays. From the valley below, a cunning fox spotted him, licking his lips at the thought of a delicious meal.

“Dear Cock,” called the fox, his voice dripping with sweetness, “I’ve come with good news! All the animals have declared peace in the woods. Come down, let us celebrate this joyous day together!”

The cock, not easily fooled, replied, “Oh, what wonderful news! But look! I see a pack of hounds rushing this way. They must have heard of the peace and are coming to join our celebration.”

The fox’s eyes widened in alarm. “Hounds? I must leave at once!” And without another word, he bolted into the woods.

The cock chuckled, “Not so fast, dear fox. Sometimes, it’s not the good news, but the thought of danger that makes one run.”

Moral of the Story

Be wary of those who use sweet words to hide their true intentions.

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