Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz Short Story


In the heart of Kansas, where the wheat danced with the wind and the sky stretched endless and blue, lived young Dorothy Gale. Her world was filled with the love of her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry, but her heart yearned for colors unseen and adventures untold.

She often found herself gazing towards the horizon, wondering what lay beyond the familiar fields.

One fateful day, as the winds whispered of change, a tornado, like a mighty beast from ancient tales, roared through the plains. It lifted Dorothy and her loyal dog, Toto, into a maelstrom of wonder and fear.

Their house, a reluctant vessel, sailed through the tempest until it crashed with a thunderous thud in a land beyond imagination – the Land of Oz.

This world was a kaleidoscope of colors, so vivid and surreal, it made Dorothy’s heart skip in wonder. Yet, amidst this splendor, she felt a pang of homesickness, a longing for the simple, sun-kissed fields of Kansas.

Her arrival in Oz was marked by an unintended act of heroism. The house had landed upon the Wicked Witch of the East, liberating the Munchkins from her cruel reign.

The Munchkins, small in stature but large in spirit, hailed Dorothy as their savior. They shared stories of their life under the witch’s rule, their voices a symphony of gratitude and relief.

Dorothy was touched by their resilience and found herself smiling despite the strangeness of her situation. They adorned her feet with the silver shoes of the vanquished witch, a gift that felt both wondrous and weighty.

Yet, amidst the celebration, Dorothy’s eyes were set on Kansas. She longed for the familiar embrace of her aunt and uncle.

Guided by the Munchkins, she set forth on the yellow brick road, believed to lead to the Wizard of Oz in the Emerald City, who might possess the power to return her home.

As she walked, Dorothy’s thoughts wandered. ‘What sort of man is this Wizard? Will he truly help me?’ she pondered.

The fields stretched out endlessly beside her, and suddenly, her eyes fell upon a curious sight in a cornfield. A Scarecrow, with a painted face and a stitched-on smile, was perched atop a pole.

“Excuse me,” he said timidly in a voice as soft as rustling leaves, “Could you help me down?”

Dorothy, intrigued and empathetic, helped him. As they walked together, the Scarecrow shared his longing for intellect.

Dorothy found his company comforting, his presence a reminder of the familiar scarecrows back home but with a life all their own.

Further along the road, a glint of sunlight reflecting off metal caught Dorothy’s attention. In a clearing, a Tin Woodman stood frozen, an axe in his hand. Dorothy, sensing his plight, oiled his joints.

He spoke of his desire for a heart, a wish that struck a chord in Dorothy’s own heart.

Deeper into the forest, a ferocious roar startled them. A Cowardly Lion, majestic yet fearful, revealed his true nature. Dorothy’s reassurance inspired him to join their quest, hoping the Wizard might grant him courage.

Together, they traversed Oz, a land of beauty and peril. The shadow of the Wicked Witch of the West loomed over them, her wrath fueled by her sister’s demise.

The group faced challenges that tested and revealed their true strengths: the Scarecrow’s wisdom, the Tin Woodman’s empathy, and the Lion’s bravery. Dorothy, observing her friends’ growth, found her resolve strengthening, her thoughts often drifting to Aunt Em and Uncle Henry.

In the Emerald City, they met the Wizard, a man shrouded in illusions. His grandeur was unmasked by Toto, revealing a mere man behind a curtain.

The Wizard confessed his ordinariness, his arrival in Oz as accidental as Dorothy’s. He spoke of his plans to live among the people, no longer a ruler but a learner, seeking to repair the trust he had broken.

Dorothy, although disheartened, felt a sense of clarity. She had found strength in her journey, a resolve forged through friendship and trials. Seeking a way home, she turned to Glinda, the Good Witch of the South.

Glinda, wise and gentle, revealed that the power to return lay in the silver shoes Dorothy wore. “You needed to find the strength within yourself,” Glinda said, her words echoing in Dorothy’s heart.

Bidding a tearful farewell to her companions, Dorothy clicked the silver shoes together. “There’s no place like home.” Whisked away, she awoke in Kansas, amidst the love she had longed for.

Embracing Aunt Em and Uncle Henry, Dorothy realized that adventure and love, wisdom and bravery, were not just in Oz but within her all along.

As she looked out over the Kansas fields, Dorothy knew she carried Oz within her – a land of dreams and lessons, a chapter of her life’s story that would forever remind her that there truly was no place like home.

Also read: Alice in Wonderland The Clumsy Panda’s Ballet Story

Follow Up Questions

How did Dorothy’s journey in Oz change her perspective on her life in Kansas?

How did the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, and Cowardly Lion’s desires reflect their true personalities, and in what ways were they fulfilled during the journey?

What does the revelation about the power of the silver shoes symbolize in terms of Dorothy’s personal growth and self-discovery?

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1 thought on “Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz Short Story”

  1. This book has been my long term favourite ever since I was little and reading it again brings back so many great memories, such a wonderful book.


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