The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde Short Story


The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde is a lesser-known but enchanting fairy tale by Mary de Morgan, first published in 1880. It’s a story of vanity, enchantment, and ultimately, redemption. Here’s a short retelling of this tale,

In a faraway kingdom, there lived a beautiful but vain princess named Fiorimonde. Her beauty was renowned, and many princes came to seek her hand in marriage.

Princess Fiorimonde had a secret, though: a magical necklace that could turn people into beads. “Why should I marry when I can keep my suitors forever with me?” she thought mischievously.

One day, a kind prince named Giglio visited her. “Princess Fiorimonde, your beauty is surpassed only by the stars,” he said, captivated.

Fiorimonde smiled slyly. “Dear Prince Giglio, would you like to see my most precious necklace?” she asked, showing him the enchanted jewelry.

As he leaned in to admire it, Fiorimonde whispered the magic words, and Giglio turned into a bead on the necklace. “Now you shall always be by my side,” she said with a wicked grin.

This continued for some time, with more princes suffering the same fate. But in the kingdom lived a wise young man named Mirko, a skilled maker of necklaces. He grew suspicious of the princess’s suitors’ disappearances.

“I must uncover this mystery,” Mirko declared, setting out to the castle.

Upon meeting Princess Fiorimonde, Mirko was cautious. “Your Highness, your necklace is unique. May I take a closer look?”

Fiorimonde, taken by Mirko’s cleverness, agreed but was careful not to reveal its secret.

Mirko, examining the necklace, noticed something unusual about the beads. “These are no ordinary beads,” he thought. “They seem to hold a secret.”

He crafted a similar necklace and switched it with Fiorimonde’s while she was asleep. The next day, Fiorimonde tried to turn Mirko into a bead, but her spell failed.

“Your wickedness is at an end, Princess Fiorimonde,” Mirko proclaimed. He then used the original necklace to restore all the princes to their true forms.

Realizing her vanity and cruelty, Fiorimonde felt a deep remorse. “I have been foolish and cruel,” she admitted. “Can you ever forgive me?”

The princes, now free, saw the change in Fiorimonde. “We forgive you, Princess. May this be a lesson in humility and kindness,” they said.

Fiorimonde spent the rest of her days using her wealth and power to help her kingdom, no longer a vain and selfish princess, but a wise and benevolent ruler.

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Follow Up Questions

Here are three short follow-up questions for kids about The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde:

What would you do if you found a magical necklace like Princess Fiorimonde’s?

Why do you think Mirko was able to outsmart the princess?

How do you think the princess felt after she changed her ways?

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2 thoughts on “The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde Short Story”

  1. This retelling is not true to De Morgan’s wonderful story. The gold chain was enchanted by a witch to turn people into beads when they touched it. Princess Fiorimonde was wicked and vain and after she was tricked into touching the necklace, she herself became a bead on the chain. The princes and kings were restored from their beads, but her bead was hung up for everyone to see.

    • Thank you for pointing that out. You’re absolutely right, and I appreciate your keen insight. My retelling indeed diverges from De Morgan’s original story, especially in omitting the enchantment details and the poignant ending with Princess Fiorimonde. The original story’s depth, with its dark themes and moral lessons, is truly wonderful. My version was intended as a reference-inspired adaptation, not a direct copy, aiming to resonate differently with readers. However, your feedback is invaluable, highlighting the importance of staying true to such significant elements of the original tale. I’m grateful for your perspective and will certainly keep it in mind for future retellings. Thank you again for your thoughtful input.


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